Installing Microk8s and Kubeflow on local machine with GPU
Install MicroK8s
sudo snap install microk8s — classic
To enable GPU — microk8s.enable gpu
Add Alias for kubectl — sudo snap install kubectl — classic
Export Kube Config — microk8s.kubectl config view — raw > $HOME/.kube/config
Enable dashboard — microk8s.enable dns dashboard
Display all the namespaces— microk8s.kubectl get all — all-namespaces
In the output of above command there will be IP address of the dashboard. Access the IP in browser (choose SKIP when asked for login), should look like below

Install Kubeflow
git clone
sudo kubeflow-tools/
After this it will take some time to start all the containers etc. I got this error — ERROR handle object: patching object from cluster: merging object with existing state: unable to recognize “/tmp/ksonnet-mergepatch505028826”: no matches for kind “Application” in version “”
However by forwarding the Ambassdor to a different port I was able to access the Kubeflow dashboard (see below)
kubectl port-forward svc/ambassador -n ${NAMESPACE} 8081:80